I asked two questions at the start of this psychic reading for you, ”Over the next two weeks, what do you need to be AWARE OF, and what do you need to FOCUS ON?”

The reading below incorporates two tools connected to nature and the Earth. The first is Lithomancy, which is divination using natural crystals, stones, and minerals, and the second is Animal-Speak Runes, which connect us to the wisdom taught by many animals of North America.
Prepare for Your Reading
Begin by taking a few cleansing breaths and quieting the chatter in your mind for a few minutes. Lower your eyelids (but don’t close them) and ask your inner self, “What do I need to know for the next two weeks?” Then, look at the photo above. Which number are you drawn to: option 1, option 2, or option 3? Next, scroll below to read the overall message for your chosen answer.

Option #1
AWARENESS & FOCUS: On Your Communication and Words & Seeing Things with a New Perspective

Stones = Caligraphy Stone (one of the writer’s stones) & Citrine | Rune = Eagle/Spirit Vision
When thinking or talking to yourself or others, become more aware of the words you use and the energy released with those words.
The Stones and Eagle have shown up for you because it’s time to be aware of core beliefs that no longer serve you. They may be about your life in general or only about a specific situation.
Ask yourself, “What do I believe about myself, the situations I’m in, or the challenges I face?” “Is my outlook generally positive, or do I have a more negative perspective?” “Do you generally beat yourself up and focus on the things you can’t do?” “Do you fear you aren’t good enough in some areas of your life?” “Do you worry that if the worst happens, you won’t be able to get through it?”
When hunting, eagles scan wide areas, look for potential problems, assess each possibility, and envision the best way to proceed. Try to detach yourself from a task or situation and view it differently. View things as if you are entirely neutral to the outcome. It’s time to let go of fear and enlarge and strengthen your vision. Eagle says, “It’s time to let go of fear and cultivate an underlying belief that regardless of what happens, you will be okay, and things will eventually work out. That’s especially true if you see the experience as an opportunity to grow. It’s time to let go of fear and enlarge and strengthen your vision.”
The stones also encourage you to express yourself with spoken and written words. If writing is not something you usually do, try journaling. Or doodle your thoughts and allow words, designs, or images to flow onto paper. Sing happy, motivational, and upbeat songs (more words) to help you accomplish your goals over the coming weeks.
Option #2
AWARENESS & FOCUS: On Deeping the Connection to Your Your Inner Knowing or Spirituality & Accessing and Using Your Fearless and Resourceful Self

Stones = Apatite & Lepidolite | Rune = Blue Jay/Choice
The stones and Blue Jay have shown up for you because now is the time to be more aware of and focus on your inner knowing. Some call it your intuition or your internal psychic insight.
Be more aware of the gut feelings, words, or messages that seem to come to you without conscious thought. If you want, write them in a journal or notebook with the date and time. If you are comfortable with acting on them, do so. That takes trust. It’s easier to take action with small, less important things. Then, see what happened. How did things work out? Jot down what you did and the result. No pressure; just use it as a learning experience.
Learning to notice those psychic moments and trust them takes time. It’s similar to developing a muscle that hasn’t been used. It will be easier and more comfortable in the future the more you listen, notice, act, and see the positive results. It’s also time to be like the Blue Jay and access and use your fearless and resourceful abilities. What do you need to do but are dreading or fearful of? Where can you use resourcefulness to solve a problem? What do you already have that you can use to fix or create something? What do you fear will happen? What can you do to decrease the fear element? Fearlessness is also part of learning to connect with and access the psychic aspect of yourself. Blue Jay says, “Hop to it. Just do it.”
Option #3
AWARENESS & FOCUS: On A New Rhythm and Perspective for A New Opportunity or Beginning

Stones = Clear Quartz & Celestite | Rune = Woodpecker/New Rhythm
The stones and Woodpecker have shown up for you because now or just ahead, you may experience a new opportunity, project, journey, or beginning. View things clearly without using old preconceived ideas or beliefs about how things will go. Notice what your inner knowing is saying and the synchronicities around you. Woodpecker says, ”It’s time for a new rhythm in your life. Doing things the same old way will not work. Nor will doing what others say you should do”.
Try using rhythm or drumming to change the energy in and around you to something more positive or productive. Begin by tapping out any frustrations or worries, then change the tempo and cadence to something new and upbeat and allow yourself to enjoy the experience.
You can use drumming with meditation or problem-solving, too. No drum? Use an empty container like an oatmeal canister, an upside-down plastic container, a cardboard box, or a tabletop. You might decide to purchase a real hand drum because you’ve found drumming is beneficial and enjoyable. I enjoy using a native drum from the Inuit people of Canada and a metal tongue drum. Each has a unique sound. Try a few different types and choose the one that suits you best.
You can chant the Universal Sound of “Om.” Begin with the ‘o’ sound on an inhalation, and slowly allow your breath to escape through your nose as you allow the ‘m’ sound to vibrate and continue until you run out of breath. Then repeat it and hold the ending vibration of the “m” for as long as you can. Another time, switch it up by singing it to your own tune or drum beat.
You might want to chant a well know and beloved mantra such as “Om Mani Padma Hum,” which will bring more compassion, clarity, and positive focus to your self and life.
Whatever is ahead, use your talents and abilities and lean into, listen, and act on what your inner knowing is saying. Then watch as growth takes place within you as you do the “new thing.”
To Learn More
If you would like a more in-depth reading about the option you selected or any other questions, please reach out to me using the Contact Ren page.
What is your intuition telling you about how you need to proceed? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
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Warmly, ~ Ren 🪷
About Animal-Speak Runes
Animal-Speak Runes was created by nature and wildlife educator and author of forty books, Ted Andrews. To learn more about Ted, follow these links Llewellyn and DragonHawk. His books and the oracle can be purchased from both websites and Amazon.
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Again this reinforces our last encounter or reading you did for me. Being in the present and trusting myself. Thank you so much sister. Highly recommend this lovely lady for enlightenment♥️
Hi Linda, thank you for reading this post and for taking the time to share your thoughts in a comment. I’m so glad this mini-reading was helpful and encouraging to you. Keep going forward ❤️