There are many many different forms of divination. Some have been around for thousands of years, and others are more modern. Currently, I use the methods outlined below but also use crystal balls and tea leaves.
There are thousands of card decks around the world that can be used for divination. Some are decks designed specifically for that purpose, like Tarot and Oracle cards, but Poker or Playing cards, Mexican Loteria cards, and Hanafuda cards can all be used for psychic readings.

Tarot. The most common reading deck is the Tarot, which generally follows one of three traditions. The oldest is the French Tarot de Marseille deck which appeared in the 1700s. It is based on a much earlier Italian card game. The Rider Waite deck was developed in the early 1900s by A. E. Waite and illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith. That deck was similar to the Tarot de Marseille but included illustrations on all 78 cards. The Toth deck is similar to Tarot but includes added elements and meanings and was developed by Alister Crowley and published in 1944.
Most modern Tarot decks are based on the Rider Waite deck. But each has its own look, feel, and subtle variations in card meanings based on the work of the developers and artists that created them. My 5 favorite Tarot decks are Panda Tarot, Crow Tarot, AnnaK, Gaian Tarot, and Tarot of a Moon Garden.

Oracle Cards. These decks come in so many different themes there must be something for everyone. My 5 favorite oracle decks are Salt + Sea Energy, Dream Time Reading cards, Wild Whiskers Spirit Animal, Synchronicity, and Sacred Destiny.

Hanafuda. This fun card game from Nintendo in Japan can be used to divine like other card decks. My favorite version is the Hanami Hanafuda by artist and designer Antonietta Fazio-Johnson.
At one time, I had more than 70 unique Tarot and Oracle card decks. Slowly, I am pairing them down and selling each at a discount. I still have a number of beautiful decks and a few hard-to-find ones that will need to go to new homes. If you are interested in purchasing any of them, sign up for my newsletter below. Each month I’ll list a few that are available and the cost.
Ancient Oracles
I work with three ancient oracles that have been used by diviners for thousands of years. I love each of these and use them for myself and my clients. As is customary, I have obtained the required training from my Bönku, Padma Gompo Rimpoche, before using both Tibetan forms of divination described below.

Tibetan MO is a method developed in Tibet long ago to answer questions and provide life guidance. It uses a six-sided dice with unique images and its traditional companion book. The beautiful die in the photo was made by my mentor and friend, Lucky Lynx.

Tibetan Khil Khor uses three multi-colored dice and amazingly accurate ancient science to open a portal to the past, present, or future. With it, I am able to see the five elements Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood and how they relate in any given situation or question. I’m able to discern which are most active, which are changing, and which may be missing. Questions are answered, and options are given to help you bring more balance to your situation and life.
I Ching, pronounced yēē jing, is an ancient Chinese oracle. When divining with it, I use the companion Book of Changes and three out-of-circulation and cleansed coins to address client questions and determine suggestions for the best way to proceed.

Pendulum & Dowsing
I have a few pendulums, but my favorite is the one I made using Copper, clear Quartz, Amethyst, and green Fluorite. It may not be the prettiest, but the pure copper and genuine stones provide the best connection between the pendulum and myself. I use it for many things, like selecting the best item when all choices are equal, finding lost or missing objects for family and friends (including wedding rings), and answering basic questions. I’ll be offering semi-private tutoring classes on how to use and work with pendulums for dowsing in the near future. Watch for that announcement on my social media pages.

The Animal Spirit Runes created by Ted Andrews is one rune set that I use. It’s made from 40 lovely wooden tiles, each inscribed with a different spirit animal. Always enlightening and especially useful for clients that live in urban areas and those that don’t have many opportunities to encounter diverse animals in nature.
Self-created Oracles
I was inspired to create three plant-based oracles that combine plant properties, colors, associated meanings, and more to reveal guidance and answers to client questions in very different ways. All of them are in the refinement state, and I’m working with them and enjoying the creative process.

The Japanese Flower Runes includes 15 glass tiles, each with an image of a different flower popularly grown in Japan and worldwide.
The Radiant Lotus Oracle is based on the life cycle of the lotus plant and its associated spiritual properties.
My love for culinary and medicinal herbs led me to create the Herbal Wisdom Oracle using real herbs in a rune-like format.
You can learn more or schedule a reading with me HERE