If you are reading this post today, the Universe has a message for you or someone you know. There are three options to choose from. Each option is described in detail with an accompanying image. The content provides a brief explanation of the card’s meaning and a call to action for you.
Prepare for Your Reading
Begin by taking a few cleansing breaths and quieting the chatter in your mind for a few minutes. Lower your eyelids (but don’t close them) and ask your inner self, “What do I need to know right now?” Then look at the photo above. Which number are you drawn to: option 1, option 2, or option 3? Next, scroll below to read the overall message for your chosen answer.
Option 1
Card # 13 Fig Tree = Earth Connection, Knowledge, and Stability

Moreton Bay fig trees are grand evergreen trees that grow strong deep roots that hold up large wide branches. The trees are native to the eastern coast of Australia and produce fruit which is enjoyed by many of the native animals.
Traditionally, the Morton Bay fig tree was planted in places of importance. It can be found standing in the middle of nowhere and may signify an ancient aboriginal camping place, a sacred space, or an area of knowledge and power. The fig tree is the symbol of life and knowledge. It stands as a witness to the changing seasons and bears fruit that supports the wildlife that depend on it.
Its lesson is a simple one: stand strong and know that you are connected to the earth and nature where you live. Do you walk softly and make choices to help preserve the Earth? Or do you, like so many, disregard the Earth for your own convenience? What steps can you take to walk more softly, and care more for the Earth and the area where you live?
It’s good to learn new ways to do this, but we need to take action to put those ideas to use. It’s time to form a deeper connection with the land on which you stand. Time to do what you can to bring more stability to the Earth where you live. What positive steps can you take to be kinder to the Earth? Start with some simple things like finding ways to use fewer paper products, recycling some of your trash, and picking up litter when walking in your neighborhood or favorite park. Know that the more you allow yourself to branch out and share your knowledge, the more abundant the fruits of your efforts will be. Together we can be a part of healing the Earth.
Option 2
Card #26 Night Sky = Soul Journey, Refine, Advance, Progress

When was the last time you sat outside on a crystal-clear night and gazed up at the millions of stars, at the moon, and the planets that sparkle above?
Our ancestors and many creatures on this planet have used the night sky to guide them on journeys near and far. It has helped guide them from here to where they wanted to be next.
When you look back on your life thus far, your soul journey, what do you see? Where are you headed? Do you know where you want to be in the future? Do you know the type of life you want to be living? Are you nearing your goals?
If you watch the night sky again in two weeks or six months, it will look different than it does on this night. It is always moving and doesn’t stop. It appears to move slowly to us, but it is steadily moving forward and progressing. When we continue to do everything the same as we have always done it, we can become stuck. I have a favorite saying, “If NOTHING changes…then…nothing CHANGES.” Having hopes and dreams is great, but if we don’t take steps to make them a reality, they likely will not happen for us.
Viewing the night sky connects you to things greater and larger than yourself. Time is infinite, but we are here on the Earth for only a moment in time. This card is your wake-up call. It’s time to advance, to make progress in your soul journey. Take time to set some goals for yourself and make plans to attain them. Goals that will enhance your life, that will move you forward. The next step is the most important—you must take action to reach a goal. As a wise one has said, “The journey begins with the first step, and then the next, and then repeat.” Perhaps it’s time to refine some areas or to learn new and better ways to reach your goals.
Option 3
Card # 6 Carpet Snake = Home, a Safe Place, Time to Re-establish Harmony

The carpet snake or carpet Python it’s the most common snake in suburban Australia. It’s a large non-venomous snake that often takes up residence in the roofs of houses. It’s here that it can over-winter, hibernate, keep warm, and enjoy the odd visiting rodent.
The carpet snake teaches us about the comforts of home and the importance of having a private space. Everyone needs a safe place, somewhere to let go of their inhibitions, to relax, and justice be our authentic selves—especially when life can be a little too much. Often our home is this very place. If we share our home with a partner or family, it’s really important to have a space that is just yours—even if it’s only for a little while.
There will be days when the pressures of the outside world seem to be just too much to handle. Perhaps you have been busy juggling many conflicting things, or are going through a rough time, or are navigating an illness. The carpet snake is telling you it’s time to relax and enjoy some quiet time in a place where you feel safe.
Take the time for some self-care very soon. Time to re-establish harmony in your soul. Do what feels right for you at this time. Perhaps it’s a warm shower or bath, comfy clothes, and a cup of relaxing herbal tea or cocoa. Then find that quiet safe place. Maybe it’s curling up on a comfy chair, in the corner of a sofa, or on your bed. Wherever you find that place, the carpet snake encourages you to curl up somewhere safe and take it easy for just a little while.
Deck Used
Today’s reading is from the Dreamtime Reading Cards by Laura Bowen. Laura is Australian and uses artwork inspired by the native peoples of her beautiful land.

For a more in-depth reading…
Would you like to discuss this reading in more depth? Or would you like to look into another area or concern in your life? We can do that. Schedule a personal reading with me
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Warmly, ~ Ren 🪷
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