New clients often ask, “How should I prepare to receive the best possible reading?” When receiving a psychic reading, being free of distractions, actively present, and as calm as possible throughout your session is important. Life can be hectic, and “calmness” doesn’t just happen—it takes a bit of preparation, and doing so will help ensure a positive and transformative experience.

Choose a quiet spot where you can focus your attention on the reading without distractions. Clear your physical area of anything that might distract you, such as pets, television, non-instrumental music, or children and other people where you are.
Inform those living with you that you can’t be disturbed for the next hour or so.
The reading will be for you alone unless we agree ahead of time for someone else to be present. Additional energy from friends or romantic partners listening in can disrupt the reading and prevent insight from coming through. Essentially, you would be wasting your time, mine, and the monetary energy you used to pay me.
Release any fear or worry about what might be said during the reading. Relax, I can’t read your mind and will only be looking into the topic or question/s you inquired about.
Approach your reading with an open mind and a receptive heart. Free yourself from preconceived notions or expectations. Doing so allows you to receive information, insights, and options without bias or prejudice.
Have the device you will be using during your session nearby. Ensure all other devices are turned off or placed in silent mode so we won’t be distracted by notifications during your reading.
Meditate or sit peacefully and focus on each breath you breathe in and out for 10 to 20 minutes before your reading begins. Think about your energy being connected to mine. Also think about your questions and those we discussed when you scheduled your reading. Continue to breathe slowly and fully throughout your reading preparation and relax.
You may enjoy listening to some soothing nature sounds or quiet instrumental music, too.
When it’s time for your reading to begin
By Email: Fifteen minutes before your reading begins, I will send you a quick email or text (whichever you prefer) to let you know I am ready and will begin at your appointment time. So that we can remain connected during the reading, it is most helpful for you to remain relaxed and not engage in any other activity. Once your session has ended, feel free to continue your day.
By Phone: I will call you at your appointment time. We will start with a short meditation together, and then the reading will begin. So that we can remain connected during the reading, it is most helpful for you to remain relaxed and not engage in any other activity.
By Facebook Messenger Video: I will video message you at your appointment time. We will start with a short meditation together, and then the reading will begin. So that we can remain connected during the reading, it is most helpful for you to remain relaxed and not engage in any other activity.
After Your Session
I will take a picture of my reading table that includes all the oracles I used for your reading. I’ll send it to you via email or Facebook Messenger so you will be able to see it.
Relax and reflect on the messages you received before returning to your regular routine—don’t rush it. Take some time to process and integrate the information you received.
When reflecting, think about the overall message and don’t over-analyze every word. Psychic messages often do not come to me like when watching a movie. Instead, the information comes through symbolic language, including images, symbols, words, or feelings. When sharing with you, I may use symbolic language to communicate the insights I’m receiving.
It’s not uncommon for people to receive information that may seem incorrect, irrelevant, or doesn’t make sense to them at the time. However, they often find it to be meaningful and applicable several weeks or even months later.

Once you understand the messages you received from your personal reading, it’s time to start taking positive action. For example, if part of the message recommended making time to include meditation into your daily life, take steps to follow through on that suggestion. It lets your subconscious and the Universe know that you are serious about receiving insight and are willing to do what it takes for a better future.
Use the insights gained during your psychic reading as a tool for personal growth and self-discovery. Always remember that you have control over your future through what you believe and do. Even not taking action is an action. What we believe and don’t believe and what we do or don’t do will result in what we experience as reality now and in our future. Make yours the best it can be.