If you landed on this page today, then something in this psychic reading will be for you or someone you know. Time is precious to all of us, and I appreciate your interest in this blog post. We all experience change throughout life. Some great and some small, some planned, and some totally by surprise. […]
Psychic Reading for Today
Each psychic reading provides insight for those who choose to stop by and read. The readings may use any of the following:Tarot, Oracle Cards, Runes, Crytal Ball, Tibetan MO, Tibetan Khil Khor, Lithomancy, and personally developed divination tools.
Psychic Reading for Today-3
If you are reading this post today, the Universe has a message for you or someone you know. There are three options to choose from. Each option is described in detail with an accompanying image. The content provides a brief explanation of the card’s meaning and a call to action for you. Prepare for Your […]
Psychic Reading for Today-2
I asked two questions at the start of this psychic reading for you, ”Over the next two weeks, what do you need to be AWARE OF, and what do you need to FOCUS ON?” The reading below incorporates two tools connected to nature and the Earth. The first is Lithomancy, which is divination using natural crystals, […]
Psychic Reading for Today-1
Take a cleansing breath and quiet the chatter in your mind for a few moments. Ask your inner self, “What do I need to know for this week?” Close your eyes for a moment and then open them. Which card are you drawn to, option 1, option 2, or option 3? Next, scroll below to read […]