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Welcome, Dear Ones!

I’m glad you’re here. The wonderous lotus plant inspires me to keep growing, reaching, and realigning my perspective to be the best version of myself while also giving to others. I’d love to have you walk with me on this journey we call life.
What we experience can be exciting, joyous, and filled with opportunities, but we all know it can sometimes get murky, like the muddy water of a lotus pond.
Life on planet Earth does have challenges, and we don’t always make the best choices. Thankfully, nothing is fated, and we all have free will.
Each day is fresh, and we can choose to change our perspective and to think and do in more positive and productive ways, whether things look muddy or clear.
Inspiration, Insight & Guidance for a Self-directed Life

As a psychic, I’m here to help you with your personal development in a way that enhances your life. My abilities enable me to see into situations, answer questions, and then share the insights that come through. The coach side of me helps you to develop action steps to get you moving forward. If we work together, I can help you get from where you are now to where you want to be next. We can identify goals and develop action steps so you can start creating the life you want. Schedule a reading
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You can learn more about the methods I use, what a reading is like, ideas for questions to ask, and more by using the drop-down menu under the Services tab.
Lotus Inspiration
While I was pondering the lotus plant’s amazing properties and lifecycle (read about them in the Lotus Blog), I began to wax a bit poetic about its similarity to how life can sometimes appear. And its ability to overcome what seems like adversity. I hope you enjoy my musings below.
Be Like a Lotus

Upon a muddy floor
Enclosed by dark and murky waters
Yet they believe—there’s more
Now awoken, they take root
And then a sprout begins to shoot
Next, the leaves dance in the water
Murky yes, but a budding beaut
Patiently growing and believing
Yet the darkness still pervades
Bud breaks forth with strong intention
Quietly opens with no accolades
Bloom unfolding in the sun
Shining bright with certitude
Not consumed with vainglories
Nor amassing more and more
Into others, they’re investing
Building up a nourishing store
Generously giving of thy self
Yet they believe—there’s more
(c) 2023 ~ Ren Hana
The Lotus Blog
While you’re visiting, check out the Lotus Blog.
Twice a month, I’ll be adding a new post. from one of the topics below:
* Ways to include more peace, positivity, & balance in your life
* Herbal Info, Recipes, and DIY ideas
* Healthy ways to support mind, body, and spirit
* Your brain, mind, and perspective
* Connecting to your psychic intuitive self
* Psychic readings for you, my dear followers
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